Chapter One – Final Draft


Chapter One describes the purpose of the Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP.) It describes the Delta-Mendota Subbasin, and presents the organization of the GSP. 

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Chapter Two – Final Draft

Plan Area

Chapter Two describes the area of the plan, discussing various planning efforts, including any appropriate areas such as: integrated regional water management, land use, habitat conservation, and other planning efforts.

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Chapter Four – Final Draft

Outreach and Communication

Chapter Four describes the beneficial uses and users in the Plan Area. It explains the plan development, including the decision-making process, and comments received regarding the Plan.

Chapter Four explains the outreach undertaken, including noticing, opportunities for public engagement, methods for disseminating information and outreach to diverse social, cultural, and economic areas of the population. 

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Chapter Five – Final Draft

Basin Setting

Chapter Five provides the basin setting. It describes the Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model. The chapter includes information about groundwater conditions, water budgets, and management areas.

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